1. Hola amiga!

    What a wonderful topic to write on and think about! That we can remember things from long ago is a gift and a wonder when you think about it–even the painful memories or events– once they are given to God, they cease to hurt us and can be looked at with compassion.

    I would like to share the memory I have of the time I was riding my bike not too far from home; I was probably about eleven years old. I had turned onto a street behind the street where we lived–it had houses on one side but a wide open field on the other. And as I rode along the street, I was struck suddenly by the beauty of the sunset over the open field, and so stopped riding the bike to just take it in. It made such an impression on me at that age–probably the first sunset I had ever noticed. I only slightly remember the sunset now, but what I mostly recall is the feeling of awe and amazement on seeing that work of nature.

    1. What a wonderful memory — Jesus calls us all to be like children — and your awe over the beauty of a sunset shows us why He asks that

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